40+Actionable Marketing Tips To Tackle 2021

40+Actionable Marketing Tips To Tackle 2021


In what direction will marketing go in 2021? What are the most common mistakes in content marketing activities? What challenges should you face and what practices to follow in order to be successful? Check what trends and challenges you can expect and what to do to be effective in this area of marketing. We asked the experts about their actionable tips!


The best way to cut through the noise on social media is not to publish more content or advertise to improve your social media marketing but to actually utilize social media as a place to engage and collaborate with influencers. It is clear that influencer content is both more aligned with what social media users want and also cuts through the algorithm challenges for any business account on any social media site. A good first step is to engage with content creators to actually create content for you while shifting to gifting product to nano influencers to incite word of mouth and leverage their user generated content for your own digital and social media marketing efforts. Once you build relationships with influencers, you will certainly find many great ways to collaborate with them across a wide range of marketing activities.

Neal Schaffer, Author, The Age of Influence, https://nealschaffer.com

According to McKinsey, customers focus on the availability of products and services right now. With that in mind, you might want to focus on the top three digital marketing trends of 2021: (1) content optimization for voice search (make it more conversational so that it would sync with search queries); (2) customer segmentation (for better retention of your existing customers); (3) improved communication with more interactive content (calculators, assessments, surveys, quizzes, video games, interactive videos, contests, etc.) All this will make your brand more open and available to consumers, influencing its awareness, loyalty, and trust.

Lesley Vos, Content Strategist at Bid4Papers

Well-chosen marketing communication – for many online companies, 2020 is an influx of new customers, from groups that previously avoided shopping or online services for various reasons. It is possible that these are still people for whom the move to the Internet is temporary and will gladly return to old habits. 2021 is therefore an opportunity for companies to gain trust and fight for the loyalty of new users. It is certainly worth taking a look at the communication, customer service, descriptions and instructions on the site. It will be very important to optimize the website’s UX so that even a novice user can make a purchase without any problems. The group of new users includes group of people 60+. It is worth considering this when working on marketing communication, in the selection of channels, website optimization and in the quality of customer service. However, in the case of also a large group of people – residents of small towns, the key will be to work on the quality of shopping service – fast implementation, low delivery costs, extensive opportunities to familiarize yourself with the product in the online store.

Andrej Csizmadia, Growth Marketer, Post Affiliate Pro

More Interactive Content.

A perfect way to create value for travelers, get them to connect with your company, and learn more about them is to introduce immersive features to your website or social media. Suppose you are a realtor, for instance, and add to your website an easy yet powerful mortgage calculator. Based on the data they enter into the calculator, you are now providing meaning to your guests and still knowing more about them. This data, in turn, will help you optimize and offer-target your personas.

Eliza Nimmich, Co-Founder and COO of Tutor the People

Build a community –
The quickest way to build a brand for a SaaS company is to build a community around your power users. These power users ultimately become your brand advocates and start to do things you would never expect, from building out new templates for your product to creating buzz around your product in social media. A well built community becomes it’s own marketing channel that brings in new users organically

Build a community! The quickest way to build a brand for a SaaS company is to build a community around your power users. These power users ultimately become your brand advocates and start to do things you would never expect, from building out new templates for your product to creating buzz around your product in social media. A well built community becomes it’s own marketing channel that brings in new users organically

Warren Wu, Coast App – (https://coastapp.com/)

This year, I’m all in on video. The rise of TikTok and the continued dominance of YouTube show us that video is still hot. Video is here to stay. Most businesses, small and large, aren’t embracing this yet.

My tip is to put out video content on social media, your website, and in your advertising. You won’t be disappointed with the results.

Garit Boothe, SEO Consultant at Garit Boothe Digital

Retargeting will remain an effective strategy for paid ads. And it covers more than simply targeting visitors who didn’t complete their order. For example, you can create campaigns targeting visitors whose time on the page lasted longer than 1 minute. Or those who visited your pricing page and probably had at least some purchase intent.

The biggest advantage of retargeting is that those prospects already know your product and have the right intent. Free trials, which are common in the SaaS space, provide a perfect opportunity for retargeting. At Supermetrics, we provide a free 14-day trial to all users, and those who sign up for the trial but don’t end up converting into customers are ideal candidates for our retargeting campaigns.

You can also get more granular by selecting only those trial users who should be most likely to convert. For this, you must gather user data such as what features of the product did they use and how much, did they open any newsletters sent to them or click any specific links, what is their company size and geographical location, did they visit the pricing page on your website etc. All of this helps you create more effective campaigns.

Johannes Rastas, Affiliate Marketing Manager, Supermetrics

Scale your marketing through automating everything.

Automation of multi-channer marketing communication (email, chat, SMS, push, etc.) is a no-brainer.

Zapier, IFTTT, Integromat and other have been on the market for some time already, enabling marketers to connect applications and exchange data between them.

But now you have tools to automate so much more. The “no-code” platforms let you create your own application without learning any programming language.

Build websites, e-commerce stores, mobile apps, chat bots, mini-CRMs – and more, without the need to hire developers. Save money & time.

Konrad Caban, CEO Supermonitoring

The year 2020 has taught us one thing: there are things we will never be able to prepare for and will always surprise us. That is why improvisation and the ability to quickly change the adopted communication strategy, as well as the method of product or service distribution, have become so important. Not only standard marketing activities require revision. The same applies to the products and services offered. This forces you to return to the basics of marketing and running a business. I think everyone will do it for good.

When it comes to activities in social media, significant changes should also be expected. First of all, marketers will look for new communication platforms outside the Facebook or Google ecosystem to complement the activities carried out so far. It’s getting harder and harder to attract attention to popular social media sites, the competition is too high. In addition to TikTok, which seems to be over by the 2020 crisis, underrated Pinterest has a chance to be noticed.

Content marketing, which has always responded to the very specific needs of consumers, will gain in importance at the expense of image campaigns. Many brands will have to limit their budgets and focus them around activities that are measurable and bring a tangible return on investment. Will this strategy work? In my opinion, only in the short term, because a well-designed sales funnel will not work with negligible expenditure on activities aimed at creating a demand for the product.

Sona Pisova, Content Specialist, LiveAgent

2021 will be as challenging as 2020. Marketers will still have to face the challenges of social and economic uncertainty. The problem of the epidemic threat will probably accompany us – perhaps to a lesser extent – but the autumn surge of disease makes everyone realize that this is a phenomenon we do not control.

How does this relate to marketing? First of all, an efficient marketer must be flexible and be very agile to changes in the market. It is difficult to create detailed strategies for 2021 and subsequent long-term years. It is worth loosening the decision-making process and reacting quickly.

It is very likely that business life will continue to be predominantly online. Hence, it is worth considering supplementing your marketing activities with online events, webinars and sharing valuable content through videoconferences.

In addition, the more difficult economic situation of many consumers and their concerns about the future must be borne in mind. It is worth using this in your marketing communication by properly addressing their feelings.

The constantly growing trend of using big data to squeeze the maximum out of marketing communication will also be significant. The data-driven marketing approach will be gaining in importance.

Maciej Biegajewski, Digital Marketing Specialist LiveWebinar

While marketers are seeking more meaningful connections with their customers, Person-Based Marketing (PBM) will become a skyrocketing trend in 2021.

That’s explainable: while the world will remain mostly remote and disconnected personalized experiences will become an essential bridge between customers and businesses.

The decision to buy something is brick by brick constructed from the omni-channel advertisement. This is costly for any kind of business. How to win a sale and stay CAC positive in the competition for the client? The answer is here: instead of Account-Based Marketing make a switch to more streamlined and targeted Person-Based Marketing. This will reduce the cost and operations overhead for the sales and marketing team. Once the targeted buying persona is identified and the list of concrete profiles are prepared, PBM tool will do its job. Since marketers will know exactly with whom exactly they are talking through their advertisement messaging the purchasing experience becomes more pleasant on all its steps from consideration to decision.

Dmytro Okunyev, Founder of Chanty

Remember your audience. It’s easy to say, but much harder to do. Your audience wants to see your brand for a specific reason, and not for any other reason – so keep that in mind.

Guillermo Gette, CEO Workast

2020 launched a wave of offline-to-online business transformation that we could see in the first half of this year. Many companies have directed their marketing to this trend. Unfortunately, some companies did not manage to survive the crisis and ceased their activities. I believe that marketing activities should focus not only on acquiring new customers, but also on helping existing and future customers. So what if we get a new client for our services, since he will drop out after a few months? We should give him adequate support and education so that he can endure difficult times and be able to grow, and so will we.

For more practical tips, I suggest developing well-functioning marketing funnels, lead magnets, webinars, and sales processes. Let’s turn our strengths and knowledge into value for recipients that we can monetize.

Andrzej Bieda, CMO Landingi

Personalized marketing is taking center stage when it comes to the 2021 marketing strategy. In the digital world, where people are only more and more bombarded with marketing messages that seem impersonal and far away, getting a message that speaks directly to them is quite meaningful.

Therefore, it’s now time to rely more on analytics and understanding demographics so that you can send messages that resonate and are relatable to each audience.

Of course, personalized marketing is much more than adding the first name to your email greeting. It’s about digging into your prospect’s mind and discovering what they need, want, and value. It makes it easier for you to create tailor marketing messages and get them in front of the right people.

Personalized marketing is a fantastic way to show your audiences that you and your business understand their pain points and want to help. This type of marketing is much more engaging and can be a great weapon to improve customer loyalty.

Andre Oentoro, CEO, Breadnbeyond

Best marketing tip for 2021 – carefully segment your email lists for the best results. Once we segmented our lists to split up free trial users, paid users and those that left us at some point, we increased our open rates and conversions from emails shot up. It’s also a good idea to prune your inactive subscribers every now and then to get the best metrics and lower your email marketing tool bills.

Petra Odak, CMO, Better Proposals

2021 will be all about videos. Adding videos to your content will help you rank well and drive more organic traffic, especially to your blog. Sometime back, I had included a video from another source in my article. I saw that video showing up in the top 5 positions on Google against my target keyword but the link was to my article. Although it wasn’t my own video, it managed to drive huge traffic to my site. 

My tip would be: Engage your target audience as much visually as possible. A good content with a great video is going to be a winner when it comes to driving organic traffic.

Pritha Bose, Senior Content Marketer, Automate.io

Personalizing everything possible is, in my opinion, the key word for 2021 and beyond. Competition with price or speed of order fulfillment is in some sense standard, but how much can you fight in this way? We go hand in hand with our clients at every step, only to win their favor. So what else can we do for them? We can personalize everything we can so that the customer feels that even a mass-produced product was created especially for him, and we as sellers only deal with that one customer. Yes, we already collect various data in cookies and try to personalize ads in this way. However, artificial intelligence is still a long way off. But is it possible to do large-scale manual personalization? Yes, because despite their uniqueness, customers still have common features. So my idea here is what I call predefined personalization. That is, creating various patterns (they can be service patterns, advertising, messages, or even the appearance of the entire online store) that seem to suit this one customer, but have been defined earlier, and now we only substitute the collected data and present the recipient.

Lukas Mehnert, CMO Smartlook

Automate as much as possible!

There are only so many hours in a day. And, the more time you spend doing overwhelming, routinary tasks, the less time we can spend optimizing our marketing strategies and coming up with new ones.

The best way to make sure we’re using all of our time efficiently is by embracing automations, whenever we can.

Sure, we may not be able to hire multiple people to delegate all our work, but automation is the next best thing. Computers never get tired, never take vacations, and work 24/7.

Marketing automation can help you improve your time management, making sure you only spend time where you really need to. Plus, marketing automations can also be used to aid your customer interactions, take better decisions, and expedite most of your tasks.

Look into anything that can be automated right off the gate, like customer reminders, data entry, and metric updates. Then, look for the best type of marketing software that can automate things further.

Develop detailed workflows for each process that can be automated, and connect your existing marketing tools through platforms like Zapier.

You don’t have to be a tech wiz to embrace automation, but you need to embrace automation if you want to take your marketing efforts to the next level.

Lisa Dietrich, Founder at Let’s be crazy

Best marketing tip for increasing your ROI will be

1. Exchange customer stories

2. Expand existing customer accounts

3. Organize online events

4. Get customer information to drive strategy formation

Jyothi Tulasi, SEO Outreach Specialist, Smart Karrot

In 2021, security is the key, and this we will gain thanks to the diversification of channels to reach customers. In 2021, there is no time for mistakes and half measures, so the media plan is the basis of success. In 2021, choose efficient and tested solutions wisely that will be timely and correctly implemented.

Then 2021 will be a breakthrough for you, because the time of rapid changes is the time when you can get ahead of the competition the fastest and gain a safe distance for years.

Gaetano Caruana, EarlyParrot

Content is a commodity. Everyone is creating it. The question becomes how do you stand out? In 2021, you have to start thinking about mediums that can make your content interactive and engage your users. For example, how can you build in assessments into your content, a chatbot, or supplement your content with videos. You have to go beyond plain old copy to drive more engagement to your business. 

Neal Taparia, Co-founder, Solitaired, https://solitaired.com/

The year 2021 will be extraordinary – the digital transformation accelerated by the pandemic means that we will observe large flows of budgets from “old” forms to the Internet. For example, marketers will wonder how to effectively transfer the marketing budget from fairs to interactive activities.

When planning marketing activities in the coming year, you will have to take into account changes in the behavior of potential customers, as well as changes in social behavior – for buyers of our goods and services, something else will be an important social experience.

Agnieszka Kuprianowicz, Angry Nerds

The pandemic has taught us to value money even more. In 2021, focus more on educating the customer. Let them trust you first. Let them understand the value they will get for the money they will pay. Do not oversell in 2021. 

Vikas Kalwani, SEO Specialist at uSERP, https://vikaskalwani.com

With the COVID-19 still around, people will rely more on the digital market, and businesses will need a cheaper way to generate online leads. One way to address both of these trends is for marketers to improve and optimize email marketing in 2021. In this, marketers should take advantage of hyper-personalization to really engage customers. This, however, will go beyond adding the recipient’s first name in the subject line. Rather, it will be essential to use demographic and behavioral data for custom content that appeals most to the specific user. It is also useful for messaging customers with abandoned carts and up-sell/cross-sell emails to create exclusivity.

Marketers should also avoid to stuff images and videos in emails as customers prefer text-only emails. Including text exclusively often adds a more personalized feel over sending standard pictures and crafty layouts. While the goal is for your emails to look human-generated, automation will still remain key to ensuring email marketing can be efficient and optimized for the correct send times, customer flows, etc.

Isabelle Wisco, Marketing & Growth Analyst, Lido + https://www.lido.app/

My advice for any business trying to grow in 2021 is to focus on conversion optimization, not just more traffic.

Most marketers focus on growing traffic to the website, I constantly hear: “I need more links to get #1 spot on Google to drive more traffic” or “We need to increase the budget on YouTube ads”, very rarely do I hear “We need to focus on how to better convert customers which come to our website are interested in our service offering.”

Conversion optimization is just improving parts of your website to increase the overall conversion form existing traffic you get to sign ups. Essentially instead of paying more additional money to generate more traffic you can fix how well existing traffic converts and achieve the same result.

If you’ve never done this type of work before I would start with creating specific landing pages for different customers and product types, optimizing your landing pages by improving the copy/text on it and then you can increase credibility by adding testimonials and press about your product to the site. These are just some raw ideas, there are a LOT of resources out there on how to do this. 

But focus on conversion first then invest more money into more traffic. 

Dmitry Dragilev, owner of SmallBizTools blog which reviews the best business software tools, such as sales productivity tools.

Find better ways to protect customer data

Users are becoming more and more worried about the safety of their data online. That’s why it’s not enough to make sure your website is secure. You need to help your user FEEL secure.

You must probably know by now how important it is for your website to provide an HTTPS connection for SEO purposes. However, it’s not just about having the certificate, it’s about how you use customer data.

Start by making sure you’re only collecting the data you need. This will help you in several ways, like ensuring all of your data is clean and usable, using fewer data resources, and avoiding being targeted by hackers and malicious software.

If you can, destroy the data once you’ve used it to make sure you always prevent as much of a large data breach as possible. Keep up with current encryption practices to make sure your platform is up to date.

Finally, clearly communicate to your customers how you handle customer data, and what steps you’re taking to protect it.

James Davis, Head of Marketing at Messagely, https://messagely.com 

Product positioning will be key in 2021. Name any problem and there would be 10 options for that. The ONLY you can differentiate is how you differentiate your product from your competitors. The best way to do that is to focus on a niche, position yourself as the expert in that niche, and design your marketing activities around it. 

Deb Mukherjee, Head of Marketing, DelightChat

•        Monitor and analyse success metrics more frequently than in 2020. It will allow you to quickly react to negative trends. Prepare multiple flexible plans to better cope with the state of local and global markets.

•        Marketers should base their plans on fundamental KPIs of the company, because outside environment will determine scope, content and budget of their actions. It is time for the closer cooperation between departments, teams and third-party specialists.

•        Systematic long-term activities, e.g., SEO, UX improvements, are most profitable during periods like pandemic which may halt other endeavors. Devise a strategy that will let you to grow even in case of a longer hiatus.

•        Migration towards e-commerce is still a visible and very active trend. If you are still before this big step, consider it as a major goal as well as an opportunity for your company. 

•        Tools and solutions that bring well-documented results are better in long term, mostly because they are safer and more predictable. This is especially true when budgets are limited and there is no space for experiments or mistakes.

Maja Wiśniewska, Marketing Manager, SMSAPI

When talking about marketing, I must start with the changing expectations and needs of consumers. Their habits, fears and priorities change. This year has already shown us how quickly you need to change your strategies and adapt products and services to the changing environment. The next year will be a continuation of the strong focus on consumer needs in marketing departments. So you have to consider how customers will look for our products and services and whether they will need them at all.

It is no mystery that internet marketing will reign supreme. Many businesses have moved or intensified their online activities – for consumers this means more choice, but for these businesses more competition in the market and the need to spend more on online marketing. It is definitely worth investing in long-term activities, such as SEO, adapting the website to users, creating content (also as part of the SEO process). You have to bear in mind that PPC ads, whether it’s Google Ads or FB Ads, are likely to bid higher because of this increased competition. Therefore, it is better to bet on long-term and more stable activities.

Zuz Dora, Brainy Bees

Ten years ago, podcast marketing wasn’t even a thing. The closest you could come was with radio marketing, and even then radio marketing was already falling.

Today, however, more and more people listen to podcasts often. People are developing podcasts themselves and follow their favorites without missing a single episode. Podcasters are becoming influencers in their own right, with very well-defined audiences and topics, making them perfect for niche marketing.

Finding good podcasts to sponsor isn’t that hard. In fact, your customer personas should include the kind of podcasts they listen to. Use your customer personas to get into their bubble and find the podcasts they’re more likely to follow. Then, listen to those podcasts yourself to get an idea of the experience. Use that information to create marketing campaigns around them, personalizing the script and “must-reads” so they fit within the podcast’s tone.

No one likes to interrupt what they’re listening to for commercials. By tailoring the marketing script to the podcast’s overall theme and tone, you’ll make sure that more people actually listen to it, instead of skipping it altogether.

Max Benz, Founder at BankingGeek

Get your content game on this year! Writing epic content to help your prospective customers find answers to questions they are Googling daily is your road to crushing your goals in 2021. Articles which rank not only help you by driving consistent traffic to your website but also build credibility for your brand. 

Gaetano DiNardi, Director of Growth Marketing at Nextiva a small business phone system company

Build an adaptable content strategy with user-generated content.

The UGC is not a new content marketing trend, but, anyway, it still works well for growing your business. It helps you have fun with your customers, show your products more authentically and get them rewarded for your loyalty.

Irina Weber, Content Strategist at SE Ranking

Double down on your marketing departments’ strengths: As a team that focuses on data-driven results, we’re using our software to identify and pursue “quick wins” — or low-cost opportunities that have high likelihood of positive returns in a short period of time. When we push a high-traffic keyword onto Page 1, it increases web traffic, conversions and profits. Being highly targeted with our tasks and operating with the overly simplistic mindset of “How can these $100 that we spend turn into $150 in revenue a month from now?” has helped us recalibrate our priorities, refine our strategies and hold off on expensive projects that won’t reap benefits for the foreseeable future.

Matt Bentley, Founder & CEO at CanIRank

This 2020 coronavirus pandemic has made one thing crystal clear — knowledge of the internet and having an online presence is not a luxury but a need! With all types of businesses forced to shut now and then and with restricted customer movement, all businesses have seen a decline in growth. However, this decline is plateau-ed with the power of the internet, your business’s online presence, and how you engage with customers online. 

The importance of being seen can’t be ignored. Especially when we are talking about creating a substantial brand voice digitally. The internet is an ocean of brands and business, and you have very little time to entice (or even repel for that matter) a potential customer online. Even if you are able to hook in a prospect, the guarantee they’ll convert and be retained as your customer is based on how you engage with them.

Online businesses require different types of tools and techniques to engage customers and retain them for a long time. It is advisable to invest heavily in online customer engagement technology like live chat software, AI-driven conversational chatbots, knowledge-based software, unified inbox, etc. 

These technologies will directly help you deliver a great online customer experience, and that will result in you retaining loyal customers for a long time, even found online! 

Savan Kharod, Acquire

Data cleaning is often a part of marketing we forget. We’re all busy handling marketing strategies and meeting sales quotas that we seldom remember that the data that we already have may affect our marketing just as much as our current efforts.

Why? Because we cannot take good data-driven decisions with old, inaccurate data.

Instead of cleaning up your data once per year (at best), aim for once a month, or, at most, once every other month. 

Start by defining what valuable data looks like, so you can eliminate anything that’s not valuable data. Look for data duplicates and eliminate that too. Remove all inactive or inaccurate contacts from your lead lists, and standardize data input according to your new understanding of valuable data.

Finally, translate all that process into a step-by-step routine, with goals and checklists, and schedule that routine every month.

The cleaner your data is, the better marketing decisions you’ll be able to make!

Will Cannon, CEO at Signaturely

Before you spend money on running ads make sure you have good content marketing and SEO going, it will effect your ad campaigns ROI. Also, make sure to have a great web marketing analytics tool to glean insights out of all the data & traffic that will be coming-in due to your marketing activities. When it comes to great tools for insights Google Analytics kinda sucks because it makes it hard to quickly glean useful insights, so I recommend trying AllFactors (allfactors.com). 

Helena Ronis, Co-founder and CEO, AllFactors

Get Savvy Marketing to Gen Z:

Last year the youngest members of Gen Z turned 18 and entered the workforce. 

As their buying power increases, this values-forward, diverse, and internet-savvy consumer segment requires a different marketing approach to their millennial predecessors.

Here’s how brands can capture the hearts and minds of Gen Z:

Know what you stand for: Gen Z is more likely to vote with their wallets. Statistics show they’re 300% more likely than their parents to believe a company has a role in bettering society. Whether it’s saving the planet or fighting for equality, communicating your brand’s ‘big-picture’ purpose is crucial to connect with Gen Z.

Be Transparent: Having grown up with smartphones, Gen Z can sniff shady behavior a mile off. They’ll deep dive into your website, forums, and social media to make sure you’re keeping your promises. Authenticity is key.

Create a Community: According to the data, Gen Z is the loneliest generation in America. Fostering meaningful interactions and building a tribe of like-minded followers will put you head and shoulders above your competitors. 

Show Personality: Millennials had a penchant for minimal aesthetics and sleek designs. But Gen Z is all about bold colors, big personalities, and entertaining content. In an uncertain world, Gen Z gravitates towards irony in marketing messages, while zany and out-there stuff works too!

Ruth Haim, Co-Founder, Reconvert.io

People will be a lot more selective about how to spend their time from a marketing standpoint. I expect companies to diversify their marketing efforts and possibly revenue streams as well. I expect more companies to invest in building relationships with customers and investing in quality website content both for users and search engines. I also expect businesses to invest in optimizing their internal processes and focusing on analyzing their impact on overall KPIs. 

For concrete tactics, I recommend people always target a few priority keywords that are not too competitive. And if they are, try to get included in top results or spend some of your budget on ads. Partnerships are very important so that you can leverage other’s audiences if things get stuck. And the last point is your email list. For those who had been postponing it for ages, it might be a good time to start. If it is another pandemic, or the next Google update will hit you, you will always have the loyal fan base you can sell to.

Matej Kukucka, Founder, Marketing Player, https://marketingplayer.com

The next year will present a significant challenge in differentiating offers plus an opportunity to reboot classic marketing offers.  The CHALLENGE will be adapting advertising and marketing tactics to engage prospects that have developed a very short attention span after years of smartphone use. Using brief, eye-catching marketing videos that clearly highlight the benefits to the consumer is a great way to differentiate a product or service from an abundance of choices. Benefits that include an aspect of instant gratification will beat out feature-laden and storytelling marketing & advertising.  The OPPORTUNITY for marketers to target a massive “new” audience of consumers, forced to work online and from home in the coming months, allows marketing tactics previously made obsolete (e.g. “make-money-from-home popup ads”) to have a resurgence of success.

Brian R Johnson, Amazon Conversion Strategist, Brian R Johnson, www.brianrjohnson.com

Invest heavily in video marketing. Anyone can write about a product/service’s value, add a picture, and stick it together in a beautiful long-form post. Some people prefer long-form articles they can digest slowly, and that’s great. 

However, not everyone has the time to read a long-form post. Video empowers businesses to quickly capture the attention of an audience and take marketing to the next level.

With video marketing, you have the added advantage of making an emotional connection with your audience and customers. A video is hard to fake. It shows a real person, willing to associate their face and name with a brand. It creates trust and helps forge a real connection between the viewer, the person in the video, and the company.

Tope Longe, Content Marketer, Biteable

Full customer engagement via all the appropriate channels, sometimes called omnichannel, will be a game-changer in 2021. The tech to follow users around the web and know their every move continues to evolve, and creepy as it is, it’s vital for personalized ads. 

Since marketers have these tools at their disposal, intelligent marketers will use the data as best as they can to optimize for customer satisfaction. That means promoting the right product to the right person at the right time. Marketing legend Kotler uses the acronym – CCDV to a TM: Creating, Communicating and Delivering exceptional Value to a Target Market. It’s quite a mouthful, but a critical paradigm for looking at marketing in 2021 through this framework. 

To summarize, consumers are spending their time fragmented across many locations and many devices – to properly get enough exposure to your market, you can no longer rely on just one or two mediums like banner ads and commercials – you must find out where your market spends time, and engage with them there.

Joe Robison, Green Flag Digital

Your key for effective campaigns is sophisticated segmentation that leads to hyper-personalization through the use of AI technology. Artificial Intelligence in marketing is a way to offer customers digital and personalized consumer experiences. This is content tailored to their interests, better segmentation of groups and building relationships with consumers on their terms. Make the most of it in 2021.

Virginia Zacharaki, Marketing Communications Associate, moosend.com


We hope you’ll find out insights helpful!

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