5 Superpowers Every Branded Link Should Have: How to Attract Visibility

5 Superpowers Every Branded Link Should Have: How to Attract Visibility


What are the 5 superpowers every branded link should have? Well, it’s certainly not a coincidence that you’re reading this post. In fact, it is quite likely that you clicked on the title to learn more about what makes for an effective link building strategy. If so, then your curiosity will be satisfied in just a few moments as we reveal to you the five qualities of successful links.

Let’s get started.

#1 Personalize your branded link

It goes without saying that the first step towards achieving any goal is to clearly define your objectives. Therefore, it’s absolutely essential for you to know exactly what a successful link looks like if you hope to attract one.

Personalizing your branded links will make them more effective by providing context and ensuring they’re relevant to both the user and search engines. You can personalize a link through title tags and meta descriptions in order to emphasize its relevance or better yet, create an ad specific landing page which corresponds directly with the content of each individual advertisement (see our post on how social media ads affect SEO). Another way is using call-to-action buttons at various stages throughout the buying cycle as this allows advertisers not only advertise but also increase conversions seamlessly.

Finally, it’s crucial that you track the performance of your personalized links to determine what works and what doesn’t. This can be done by using a tool which helps advertisers identify their most effective ad creatives so they know exactly where to allocate future resources.

#2 Make your branded link consistent with your strategy

A successful link is a cohesive part of your entire marketing strategy, not just the singular element. In order to achieve this, you must ensure that all elements are consistent with each other and have one clear purpose in mind: increasing conversions.

If you want users to click on something but they don’t because it’s inconsistent with your overall campaign then no matter how effective it may be by itself, its sole contribution will ultimately be neutralized if it doesn’t help get more people into the sales funnel or at least build trust towards your brand name. So remember that when creating any type of branded link whether it be from paid advertisements or guest posting outreach efforts (we’ll cover these in detail later).

Finally, make sure everything you do has a specific goal in mind. If you can’t answer the question “What does this link do for me?” then it probably won’t be very effective no matter how good it may look aesthetically, so keep that in mind while working on your strategy and everything should fall into place seamlessly.

The next superpower we’ll discuss is…

#3 Your branded link should have a goal

Your link and your strategy should have a goal.

What is that goal? What does it do for you? If you cannot answer the question “what does this link do for me?”, then it probably won’t be very effective no matter how good it may look aesthetically, so keep that in mind while working on your strategy and everything will fall into place seamlessly.

#4 Your branded link should be adjusted to the place it’s shared on

Where exactly is your link being shared?

Do you think that it will be the same when posted on Facebook as opposed to LinkedIn for example?

That’s quite unlikely. What works well in one place might not work nearly as good somewhere else at least not without some fine tuning. Of course, if done correctly this can lead to a significant increase in conversions especially with social media where users are very different from each other depending on their demographics and online behavior (we’ll explore these differences further later). Therefore, don’t just create any type of branded link but instead tailor it specifically towards each platform so they’re more likely to attract attention no matter what page they appear upon.

#5 Your branded link should be made with RocketLink!

You can never go wrong with RocketLink!

RocketLink helps advertisers create personalized links which are consistent with their overall strategy. These work at all stages throughout the buying cycle and optimize conversions by allowing you to track your most effective ad creatives so that you know exactly where to allocate future resources.

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