Instagram Bio Links: All You Need to Know

Instagram Bio Links: All You Need to Know


80% of people find new products and services on Instagram, stated that. So it is much more important to harness the power of this social media platform to advertise your business.

How often have you seen a profile on Instagram with a link in their bio? Chances are, it’s not that rare. There are many people who use the social media platform to promote their products and services through an Instagram Bio Link. But what does this mean for you? Read on to learn about how these links work and why they’re so popular among Instagrammers.

What is an Instagram bio link?

An Instagram Bio Link is a link that lives in your profile’s bio and directs to another website. The purpose of an Instagram Bio Link is for you to get more followers, gain subscribers, or drive traffic back to your site with the use of hashtags. They can be used simply as links by posting “Check out my new blog post!”.

How do I create one?

Add a link into your biography section on your account through either copying and pasting it from the internet or adding in any custom URL; this will automatically include text directing viewers to where they should go if they want more information about what you’re sharing on Instagram. This includes products you may sell such as books or other forms of media. With platforms like SendPulse, you can create a free landing page, a link page for your social media bio, or even an online store with product galleries and descriptions.

You can also use RocketLink to create shortened links that are easier for followers to remember and follow. If you have the link of your blog post or product, it will automatically shorten them down so they’re easy for people on Instagram to find in their feed if they want more information about what you’re sharing with them. This is certainly one way to make sure that people are following up with what interests them the most!

Why should I consider using an Instagram Bio Link?

An Instagram Bio Link has many benefits, some of which include:

– It’s free – there’s no need for any paid subscriptions like other social media sites might require; all you need is access to copy/paste and you’re off to the races

– You can do it in less than a minute if you know how – simply copy and paste your link into the bio area of your profile or use one of these handy tools like RocketLink, which automatically shortens links for you

– It’s an easy way to get people interested in what you have to offer. Your followers will be able to learn more about products they may need/want without having any travel time wasted on clicking through different pages or scrolling down endlessly looking for something interesting

– Quick & easy creation process because all you need is access to your computer (or cell phone) and knowledge of how to copy and paste

– You can create links for your products or blog posts so people can find them easily within their Instagram feed. This is an easy way to make sure they’re following up with what interests them the most!

Simply put, these benefits are a hit because it makes advertising on Instagram that much easier and helps brands reach more followers in less time than ever before. Take some of these steps into consideration when creating your next Bio Link!

What should you include in your Instagram Bio link?

Include a url to your website or blog post. Include at least one hashtag and make sure it’s related to the content of the link. Add any text you want, in order for people viewing your Instagram profile to know what they can find by clicking on that link and visit your site.

How to retarget people clicking in your Instagram Bio link?

What would happen if someone clicked your Instagram Bio link? They won’t see another post in their feed. Instead, they’ll be redirected to a page of the site you share that links them back to this profile’s bio. The good news is retargeting people who click on your Instagram Bio will give them an opportunity to view more content and learn about what you have.

You can do it with RocketLink!

Over to you

In this post, we shared with you everything you need to know about Instagram Bio links. Here’s what should go in your bio link: a url to your website or blog page and at least one hashtag related the content of that site. You can also add any text below it so people viewing your account on Instagram will know what they can find by clicking on that link and visit your site. And if someone clicks on your profile’s bio, there are two things that happen next: first off, they won’t see another post in their feed but instead be redirected to a page of the site you shared where they get linked back here again; the good news, though is that retargeting people who click on your Instagram Bio will give them an opportunity to view more content and learn about what you have.

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