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Twitter Ads Guide: How to Set up Your First Campaign

Twitter Ads Guide: How to Set up Your First Campaign

Twitter is quite a specific platform, but if your target audience is active there - it’s worth being active on…

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Best marketing tips

10-Minute Marketing Tips You Can Start Using Now

We all know how hard it is to find time for redesigning a marketing strategy. And it doesn’t always pay…

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Influencer Marketing

Influencer Marketing Guide

Influencer marketing has become a trendy phrase. But what stands behind it? Everybody knows who an influencer is - a…

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Social media strategy

How to Create an Effective Social Media Strategy in 2020?

2020 has begun for good. It’s high time to create a social media strategy for this year. You need to…

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Internet trolls

Sliding up From Trolls to Goals Is Now Easy and Can Happen Overnight

Are your social media channels getting unfavorable comments? Have social-networking trolls brought devastating effects on your business?  What are the…

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Facebook Landing Page

Facebook Landing Page Views vs. Link Clicks Explained

There are a lot of questions about Facebook ads, growth hacking, and website traffic. One of the most puzzling issues…

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LinkedIn showcase page

LinkedIn Showcase Pages: How to Make the Most of Them?

LinkedIn Showcase Pages: How to make the most of them? If you are looking for more ways to grow your…

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Links shortening

Ways to Use Short Links in Marketing

All links lead us from one place on the Internet to another. They are like a taxi on the web,…

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Twitter for business

How Can Twitter Enhance Your Business Marketing in 2020?

We have just entered another year, and social media experts are already predicting that 2020 is going to be an…

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Thumbnail RocketLink

How to Create Kick-Ass Thumbnails for Social Media?

Whether we are about to shop for something online or in a stationary store, images on the packing are the…

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How to make your CPC lower

How to Make Your CPC Lower?

What is CPC? It is an acronym standing for Cost per Click, which, put simply, is the price you pay…

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Christmas discounts

Pre-Christmas Tips for E-commerce

“It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas.” :) We are all finally getting ready for the holiday season. It’s…

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