Affiliate marketing

How to Test a High-Converting CPA Offers and Verticals in Affiliate Marketing?

Wojciech Jasnos

Nowadays, marketers have the number of ways vis-a-vis marketing their business effectively. Back in the days, it was not possible at all. At that time, marketers also had to get into the zone of severe risks during the business venture. However, at the present moment, advertising structures like CPA and affiliate marketing have lowered the perils of unpredictability in business market strategies. 

How many of you often wonder about the difference between CPA and Affiliate Marketing? 

Well, there is a slight difference and similarities between both of them. In a nutshell, you can say, in CPA marketing, you get paid whenever some action takes place. While, in affiliate marketing, you get money only after a purchase takes place. That’s why many people believe that the CPA is much more accessible in comparison to affiliate marketing. CPA and affiliate marketing is a  deep subject to understand. So, this is a short guide regarding make efforts to put all the elements of them in one platter. 

What is CPA?  

To revise, first, get started with the essential meaning of CPA. CPA that stands for Cost Per Action or Cost Per Acquisition is one of the trending affiliating marketing strategies in today’s time. Advertisers have to pay a certain amount of money, whenever some action taken from a customer’s side. That action can be anything, for example, heading for a trial, making a purchase, filling out a form, and many more. 

What is Affiliate Marketing? 

Affiliate marketing is one of the most used advertising models in recent times. According to this, companies pay money to third-party marketers regarding the generation of leads to their services and products. Affiliates are the third-party publishers that get paid for promoting brands in different ways. 

Why does the CPA suitable for Affiliate Marketing? 


It is an obvious question to come in mind of you all. Why only CPA? Well, there are two main reasons for this. So, let’s read them aloud!

  • It is notably high on the value chain. As we can see, other forms of marketing need more investment. However, the chances of making profits from them are quite off guarded. If your service is top-notch regarding the requirements of the customers, then CPA is a sure shot tactic for your business to make a lot of money. 
  • CPA is a highly integrated form of marketing. With other kinds of advertising like banner ads, Adsense, and all you have to reconfigure the aesthetics of your website. But, that’s not the case with CPA. So, CPA also provides you the liberty to maintain the aspects of your website along with doing marketing.

What Are The Steps To Follow Regarding CPA Marketing? 

Step1: Start with finding an offer-

Affiliate offer

The initial step you should take concerning CPA marketing is to look after offers. The web is a big world but has several paths to reach the destination. So, reaching out to the best CPC marketers is time-taking. You have to do a lot of research, moreover, end-up finding the most relevant CPA offers. Well, what is better than Google when it comes to searching? Right! Get started from Google First and dig in as deep as you can. 

What Are The Best Tools To Get Top CPA Offers In 2019?

  1. Google Analytics
  2. Alexa
  3. PowerAdSpy
  4. Statcounter

Google Analytics– If we put it clearly, then Google analytics is one of the most popular tools, marketers use in concern to enhancing their marketing tactics. It provides businesses with an abundance of data that can be used to foster their marketing strategies to altogether another level. 

Affilate and customers

AlexaAlexa belongs to one of the most extensively used marketing analytical tools by businesses. It basically tracks the entire web traffic of websites. It is an all-in-one marketing tool where you can learn tactics to grow your website ranking and various other schemes regarding to be on the top of the marketing game.


PowerAdSpy– It is an extremely famous marketing tool of this era. By using PowerAdSpy, you can access every possible information about Facebook, Instagram, Google, and YouTube concerning advertising. There are several features available on the tool according to which you can extract data regarding ads.


Statcounter– Here’s another astonishing business marketing tool. Statcounter used by business to filter data regarding their web traffic, sales lead generation, and much more. It was started in the year 1999 and provide primary services free of cost.  


Also Read: How To Choose A High-Converting CPA Offers? 

CPA offers are bombarding nowadays in the market.  Multiple offers consist of various fabric and features. That’s why you cannot pick any of them randomly out of stock. As some CPA offer might work for your business, some might not. Hence, go through the following tips concerning to select the best of best CPA offer for your brand marketing. 

a. First, Analyze The Service You Want To Advertise

Before going into the annals of the offer, it is pretty significant to scrutinize the service characteristics that you want to advertise. Make sure that the service you’re going to advance doesn’t come under the radar of any legal restrictions. That can precisely prevent you from enormous legal pressures and make your advertising process more apparent. 

b. Read The Offer Conditions Inside Out- 

I am sure that you wouldn’t buy a car or house without reading the bank personal loan papers carefully. Right! So, the same goes in this case. Never go for the CPA offer without assessing its repercussions. So, you will not come across any financial jeopardy in the future. These are some of the main elements you should check before saying yes to any CPA offer-

  1. Types of advertisement formats are permitted.
  2. Type of traffic enabled in the entire procedure.
  3. Types of geographical locations are allowed.
  4. Terms and conditions on conversion.
  5. The number of leads accepted per day.
  6. All other possible limitations.

c. Consider Seasons Carefully- 

Different businesses possess different products and services. And the nature of products also differs from one another. Like, the market for some products remains the same throughout the year. But, the marketplace of some products changes with the seasons of the year. That’s why considering seasons of the year regarding CPA offers is utmost important. It depends solely on your service nature.

d. Payment Terms And Conditions- 

Company’s requirements sometimes can be precise. Therefore, you have to make sure that you should meet-up to their conditions word-by-word. Else, there is no point to be an affiliate for them.  Some advertisers also put terms on the payout method. Like, some of them don’t consider paid traffic. Besides this, advertisers also put limitations on withdrawal. Therefore, keep this in mind. Also, advertisers put variant types of payout restrictions. Hence, be careful and check out each and everything. 

Step 2: Connect With The Network- 

Affiliate Network

So, done with looking for an offer that meets the needs of your business. Hence, now it’s time to join that network. You have to apply for the proposal by tapping on “Join Network” button. After this, you will most probably head towards a form to fill that consists of information like mobile number and so on. 

Step 3: Integrate A CPA Offer On Your Site

Affilate offer

Since, now, your CPA offer is good to go. So, it’s time for you to integrate that offer with your website. 

Step 4: Generate Traffic To Your Site- 

Traffic generation

The final step of this process is driving traffic to your site, so, the circle of CPA marketing gets completed with the ultimate success. There are various tactics you can apply for this. Some of them are-

  • Social media marketing
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Pay-Per-Click Marketing. 

Real-Life Success Stories Of Businesses Via CPA Marketing: 

Consumer Search: 

Customer search

CPA marketing proved to be a milestone for many businesses out there in the world. They came from nowhere and suddenly ruled the roast by applying the best CPA offers for their company. So, if some of you still think that Affiliate and CPA marketing verticals are not for you, then these grand threesome success stories of businesses might change your mind. Let’s find out what are they- 

As everyone knows, reviews play a dominant role these days in business marketing. Most of the web-savvy audience prefer to read reviews before purchasing anything from online websites. So, reviews sites are here to stay in the market. Well, there is a review analyses website named Consumer Search. I have heard a lot about this site, never used it, but many people do. 

They have found a very unusual way to make money plus without imposing subscription fees. They generate revenue by pushing web traffic to Amazon. However, being an affiliate for Amazon is a competing task, but this website shows, if you want to work, then you should make it work. Please also check our Amazon link shortener page.

The business strategy that tilted entirely in their favor is their focus towards middle rated reviews other than one and five-star reviews. As they said, these kind of reviews are more honest and say a lot more than just “awesome product”. 

By following affiliate marketing tactics, the company became so flourishing that the company owners sold it out to the New York Times in exchange of $33 million. 

The Wire Cutter: 

The Write Cutter

Wire Cutter is also an online review providing website. Like Consumer Search, they also generate sales via examining reviews. If you want to start an online business, then must read the content of Wire Cutter. They write something extraordinary and flawlessly honest. It makes them stand out of the crowd. 

Wire Cutter has a team of supremely professional people. They examine each product around 70 hours before writing about it. 

In 2016, the website generated over $150 million by affiliate marketing. All thanks to their over 1,000,000 monthly active users and around 10-20% of visitors who tapped on their affiliate links. 

It goes without saying that to generate a satisfactory number of leads and visits, your website needs to work like a charm, be fully functional and be created a step ahead of its competitors. You may need a helping hand from a software development company to achieve this goal, and a fintech software development company in particular if you operate in that industry.

Top 10 Reviews


Here’s another success story of business via affiliate marketing. Top 10 Reviews shows us that there is no exception that only the original can work. They didn’t do something extraordinary and out of the box, but the way they executed the things make them win hearts of millions of people. 

As their name suggests, they provide top 10 reviews for every product like gadgets, restaurants, and many more. Also, they rate everything out of the scale of 10. 

A tactic that works brilliantly for them is their order of ranking things in the list of 10. As human beings love to see things in a specific order. It also makes things easier for them to pick something relevant to them. 

Their idea of top 10 reviews went so trendy that they bought a lot of other websites. The parent company of Top 10 Reviews TechMedia Network generated over $100 million in the year 2014. It apparently was one of the biggest deals cracked by the company. 

To know more about these kinds of real-life success stories of businesses by using affiliate and CPA marketing, click here.


So, this is a complete drafted plan for CPA marketing. By reading this, you can easily understand how CPA implementation in affiliate marketing can be a long run for making money. 

What are your thoughts on this? Now, I would like to hear your ideas regarding this. You can share your opinions with me by commenting in the section below. 

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